
The Data Practice consultants have collectively spent decades working in and for organisations of all sizes helping them boost the bottom line through the expert use and management of data.


Making data fully strategic

Without a business vision, without business objectives, without a business strategy a data strategy is meaningless. We enable the necessary dialogue and deliver fit for purpose capabilities, resulting in a better operating model and improved bottom line.

Some organisations we’ve worked with have asked for help with their data strategy – only for us to discover that there was no corporate strategy, which should be the starting point. We can help you identify and address this challenge.

A large wave crashes against a rock in the ocean
A large wave in the middle of the ocean

Monetising data

Do you have a data asset that’s hugely valuable – but not monetised? Companies selling insight to their suppliers is routine in industries such as supermarkets and retail insurance. We can assess your data asset and help you realise its true value.


Doing the right thing

Many organisations apply efforts to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 (equivalent to the EU GDPR) and other relevant laws and regulations. But we know that many struggle to respond to subject access requests, and may not even have a process for deleting customer data when asked to. Our consultants follow best practice and can advise on how best to do the right thing, whilst also maximising the value data can bring.

A person riding a surfboard on a wave in the ocean

To realise the true strategic value of your data function, just get in touch.

Contact us