
Data can make a significant difference to the bottom line. To get the best out of it, you need a data strategy aligned with your business strategy, as well as the right organisational structures and technology.

We can help, from deciding where to start, to creating sustainable long-term value.


Craft data strategies fit for business purpose

Is your data strategy suitable for what your organisation is doing right now? For the next three years?

Do you need to validate what you already have?

Or maybe you have no data strategy at all.

We can help. Using our Data Navigator, a tried and tested approach, we design business-centric data strategies based on corporate goals and outcomes, incorporating your existing projects that simplify processes and harness your data and technical capabilities.

A close up of a stock chart on a computer screen
A man holding a smart phone in his hand

Align skills, structures, tools and technologies

What data skills do you need? If you’re struggling to identify them – as well as the organisational structure and the technology you need to deliver value – there are five key skill areas we can help you focus on:

  • Data use and culture

  • Use of data analytics

  • Use of AI

  • Business-enabled data governance

  • Data management


Developing and utilising data assets

Does data seem an insurmountable challenge? Progressing beyond Excel spreadsheets and Access databases can be tricky, and finding the right skills to develop sustainable capabilities isn’t easy. We will show you the route forward. Our data delivery team can:

  • Architect data solutions that are usable

  • Build scalable capabilities

  • Implement consistent reporting – a single version of the truth

  • Generate key insights to help manage growth and retention

  • Automate decisioning at scale using machine learning operations (MLOPs)

A blue earth surrounded by dots and lines

Getting alignment across the business

Finding the right skills and technology can be the easy part of implementing a data strategy. Convincing doubters on the top team is often the hardest challenge. The Data Practice consultants understand the full picture – how all the pieces of organisations and their data fit together. They are skilled at the diplomacy required to realise the best value for organisations.

A large wave crashes against a rock in the ocean
A person pressing a button on a touch screen

Keeping it clean

Your data risks being corrupted if you don’t have robust governance and interlocking procedures. The Data Practice has consultants in data governance and management who are skilled at discovering where your data is, where it goes, how it’s accessed, how it’s updated and much more.

It's not known how many organisations comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 (equivalent to the EU GDPR) and other relevant laws and regulations. But we know that many struggle to respond to subject access requests, and may not even have a process for deleting customer data when asked to. We can help.

To realise the true strategic value of your data function, just get in touch.

Contact us